Ontario Dressing Room Policy Updates, News (Belleville Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 12, 2024 | Becky Nickle | 822 views
Ontario Dressing Room Policy Updates
Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) has implemented a new Dressing Room Policy that will come into effect on February 1, 2024.

The new policy requires all players to wear "minimum attire" in the dressing room at all times. The recommendation for minimum attire has been defined by OHF as covering "waist to upper thigh but, at minimum there needs to be coverage of the buttocks and genitalia and the chest area of the participant. Ideally minimum attire above the waist should include clothing or a base layer covering most of the body between the neck and waistline, it must, at minimum, include clothing that covers most of the upper torso, such as a sports bra." Recommended: - boxers/ boxer-briefs; - shirt Required: - genitalia & buttocks covered (e.g. bikini briefs, but not thongs) - chest covered (e.g. sports bra)
Note that these directives do not apply to the showers of the arenas, however bathing suits are now recommended in showers.
Teams are not permitted to vary from this policy, or hold votes to deviate from this policy (i.e. the whole team is male and agrees to go topless. This is not permitted by OHF). At this time, OHF has indicated that violations of the policy will dealt with via education; not discipline.
The basis of this policy relates to Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. By introducing this new policy, there is no longer a requirement for a youth to ask for an accommodation (e.g. gender, sexuality, religion, self-esteem/ body image, etc), and disclose personal/ sensitive information to their coaches or teammates.
For questions or comments, please contact Ontario Hockey Federation directly.
Below is the release that was sent out by the OMHA earlier this week. There are webinars, where the policy is explained in great detail - and the chance to ask questions, or clarification on certain scenarios - the links for registration are below. Thank you, 
Belleville Minor Hockey Association
Board of Directors.
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The Ontario Hockey Federation is hosting sessions open to bench staff interested in learning more on the logistics of implementation and their roles and responsibilities in the updates to the Ontario Dressing Room Policy. Multiple sessions are being offered and will be recorded and made available when needed.

Webinar options:

The Frequently Asked Questions, Implementation Guidelines and other information will be created and updated based on feedback during these calls to further assist bench staff and associations in the implementation of the policy on February 1, 2024.

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