Atom Select Tryouts, News, Atom Division, 2015-2016 (Belleville Minor Hockey Association)

This League is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 14, 2015 | emanboarde | 948 views
Atom Select Tryouts
The Atom Divisions will be holding an Atom Select tryout on October 18th from 2:30- 3:30pm Rink B, cost will be $10 per player.Players will wear their house league jerseys from their current teams, cash will need to be given at the table, correct change only.

Please note that you must Residential qualify as Property of BMHA, 

OMHA Manual of Operations - Regulations
3.3 Residential Qualificationsa) Players may only register and play in "residencerestrictive programs" for the Centre in which theyhabitually reside under the OMHA Regulations. Theresidence shall be defined as the structure (not theproperty) in which the player is a permanent residentand any measurement thereof shall always begin atthe main entrance of such residence.b) Representative players resident in a Centre shall beeligible to play only for a team in that Centre.c) Players to be eligible for any residence restrictiveprogram conducted by the OMHA must firstregister with their Home Centre.d) The Home Centre for a player who is resident in anarea which does not have a minor hockey organizationwill be the nearest Centre to his residence, by welltraveled road, which has an OMHA team entered inany division or sub-division for which he is eligible toregister and play in residence restrictive programs.3.4 Right of Choicea) A player resident in a defined Shared Area shall begiven a choice of the named Home Centres for whichhe may play.b) With respect to Regulation 3.3d) for players residentin areas where there is no defined Centre or SharedArea, a player shall be given a choice of Home CentreRegulations90when the difference in distance from or to hisresidence, over well traveled roads, always measuringby the shortest possible route to the two (2) or moreCentres concerned does not exceed eight (8)km, butwill not be permitted to by pass a Centre to play foranother Centre in the same general direction. Thedifference in distance shall always be determined byusing the distance to the closest Centre for suchcalculation. The measurement shall always be from the main entrance of his residence to the main post office of such Centre(s) or a location within such Centre(s) as designated with the OMHA.c) Having made his choice of Home Centre under Regulation 3.4a) or 3.4b) through registration, such player shall remain a member of the Centre with which he has registered until properly released by that Centre, or until the Centre of which he is a resident operates a team for which he is eligible.
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