Feb 15, 2017 | emanboarde | 684 views
Atom House League Finals Rules
Belleville Minor Hockey Association Year End House
League Tournament
Tournament Rules
Any player receiving a 5 minute fighting Major or Match
penalty will be ineligible for any further tournament play.
Any player receiving 3 minor penalties in one game will be
ejected from the game plus be suspended for the next scheduled game.
3. All games will be 3 x 10 min stop time periods.
4. Each team will be guaranteed 3 games.
5. Teams must be ready to play (15) minutes before designated game starting times and will get a 3 minute warm up.Handshakes before the game.
6. Run time will be applied in the third period if the goal differential becomes 5. It will revert back to stop time if thegoal differential becomes 3.
7. The 5 Point System will be used in the round robin to determine standings: i) 1 point per period won
ii) 1/2 point for a tied period
iii) 2 points for a win
iv) 1 point each for a tied game
v) 0 points for a loss
8. Floods will take place at the end of each game. Players or team staff may not enter the ice surface until Zamboni doors are shut.
9. In the event of a tie at the end of the round robin, the following procedure will be followed, in this order:
i) The results of the games between the teams involved will determine a winner (head to head – includes points awarded in the game).
ii) Divide the goals for by the total goals for and against. The teams with the highest percentage will prevail.
iii) The team that scored the first goal of the game between the two tied teams.
iv) The team with the least amount of penalty minutes will be declared the winner.
v) The team who scored the earliest goal in their game will be declared the winner.
vi) Flipping a coin.
10. One (1) 30 second "timeout” per team will be permitted during the finals only.
11. Championship and finalist awards will be given to all declared players and up to 4 staff members.
12. All teams MUST bring an approved roster to the tournament.
13. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to render final decisions regarding rule protest and objections, and any other matter that may arise.
14. In the event of a tie during the championship game a shootout will be held to determine the winner. Each team will assign all players on their roster a shooting position from first to last at the beginning of the game to the referee. Shooters will start simultaneously from the centre ice line. The first round will consist of three shooters. If still tied the shootout will then turn into sudden death to decide the outcome. No shooter can shoot more than once until each player from their team has had a turn. If one team has fewer players than its opponent then the team with fewer players has to start from the bottom of their order until every player has shot from the opposing team, then both teams can begin again from the top of their orders.