This page provides general information On the setup, structure and scheduling of the BMHA Rep Program. Please note that this is just a general overview of the program and any information may be modified without notice.
Rep Hockey is a fast-paced, highly competitive level of play that offers a greater challenge to players 9 years of age and older. BMHA is an AA Center and offers two levels of competitive hockey: AA, A (if the demand is there for more teams we will attempt to field a BB team as well) Tryouts are held before each season to select those players who represent the more skilled and talented players in their age group.
Rep Hockey is a much larger commitment than House League, both in time and financial. The amount of games and practices varies by division and even from week to week, but typically Rep teams are on the ice 3-5 times per week. They compete in the LAKESHORE league and will travel for road games. These teams will also typically attend as many as 3 tournaments per season.
The cost to play Rep Hockey consists of the house league base fee and the Rep Fee Surcharge. The base house league fee differs from divisions, you can . All players, whether on a Representative team or House League team must pay the base registration fee for their division. Players who are successful in obtaining a position on a Representative Team must pay an additional rep fee to cover additional expenses specific to representative hockey. The executive director will notify the appropriate team officials of any outstanding fees. Unpaid fees will result in loss of playing privileges. The base house league fee and Rep fee surcharge is set by the BMHA Board of Directors at the end of each season before Spring tryouts.
Each team is responsible for their own operating or team budget during the season. The costs to run a team can be quite substantial and include such items as tournament entry fees, bus travel, non-parent coaches expenses (hotel lodging and meals during tournaments) team apparel, etc. The team budget is divided equally amongst all the players on the team. This amount can be fundraised by the team.
As these expenses vary from team to team and from season to season it is impossible to provide a fixed cost for Rep Hockey. At the start of each season the team staff will hold a parent's meeting to review and finalize the team's season budget.
Seasonal Schedule and tournaments
Tryouts are held during two different times of the year. The U14-U16 teams will have tryouts during the Spring and U10-U13 and U18 are held in the Fall after Labor day. OMHA decides on the earliest we can hold tryouts, for BMHA AA will be held the day following the conclusion of Quinte Red Devils AAA tryouts and last for a maximum of 7 days. A tryouts will commence the day following the conclusion of our AA tryouts and will also last a minimum of 7 days.
The start date and length of the season varies from Division to Division, but typically the season begins in early October and runs until March, and teams generally play around 25-30 games or so. Rep teams are allowed to attend as many as 3 tournaments during the season and with approval from the VP of Rep can request to play a forth tournament during the season.
REP Base Registration Fee Per Player - 24/25 Season
Administration $65.00
Legal/AGM/Strategic Reserve $10.00
Insurance (OMHA) $52.00
Office Expenses $73.00
Total: $200.00
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