Head Trainer Initiative
Regional Trainer / Safety Facilitator (RTSF)
On behalf of the OMHA Technical Director, Trainers Program, this position will lead the Association’s safety and risk management program activities in a designated area of the OMHA for the benefit of participants, parents and volunteers in the Association’s hockey programs and activities. The Regional Trainer / Safety Facilitator (RTSF) is designed to:
- Develop a network of resources to minor hockey associations and teams within the OMHA
- Promote and enhance the safety of all participants in the OMHA
- Deliver enhanced programming on a regional basis that is specific to safety in hockey
- Assist in elevating the role of each team’s Trainer or Safety Person
- Align with the Regional Development Plan established by the OMHA’s Coaching Program
Local Association Head Trainer
On behalf of the Local Association, this position will lead the Association’s safety and risk management programs for the benefit of participants, parents and volunteers in the Association’s hockey programs and activities. Overview of position:
- Selected by Local Association
- Promotes safety through Local Association
- Demonstrates values of the HTCP
- Mentors Team Trainers
- Liaise with RTSF
- Assists in identification of training needs for local association
- Assists in the identification of potential staff for OMHA Program of Excellence
Belleville Minor Hockey is happy to announce that the Position of Head Trainer for Belleville is:
Dr Christopher Bardwell BSc, DC, FRCCSS(C), CCAMA
Chiropractor/Sports Injury Specialist/Medical Acupuncture
Quinte Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic
102-121 Dundas St E
Belleville, ON K8N 1C3
"Working together for your performance and health."
The OMHA requires all teams to have a qualified Trainer. The Trainer course is offered online and takes about 4 h to complete.
As well, all members of the coaching staff must complete the Respect in Sport | Activity Leader course and the Gender Identity & Expression course.
All BMHA volunteers are required to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) to VMHA.
Setting Up your eHockey Account
Job / Duties of the Trainer:
- The trainer is responsible for the safety of all players on the team.
- The trainer will protect his or her players from any unsafe conditions on and off the ice, and will react to any injuries to the players. The trainer will ensure that all players wear regulation protective equipment and conduct proper stretching exercises before any activity.
- Every BMHA trainer is required to have on hand at all times an adequate first aid kit for use in any emergency. The trainer must also maintain health and injury records of the players and will recommend any necessary injury avoidance or muscle strengthening exercises. The trainer should also recommend proper diet, fitness, and nutrition programs for the players.
- The trainer is responsible for completing and forwarding a copy of the "Hockey Canada Injury Report” following any hockey-related injury. If a player is removed from a game or a practice due to injury or serious illness and does not return to that game or practice, the player should obtain a note from a physician before he or she is allowed to return to play.
- Any player who sustains a concussion injury must subsequently provide a doctor’s note identifying that the player is fit to return to play hockey prior to joining the team for any game. Depending on the severity, other injuries may also require doctor’s approval before returning to play. If required, the trainer may refer to the appropriate director for guidance.
Qualifications/ Requirements:
- Completion of the appropriate HTCP Certification requirements at the level required
- Completion of a successful criminal reference check
- Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development
- Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel
- Available to meet time requirements
Emergency Action Plan
Hockey Canada Injury Report Form
HTCP Medical Information Sheet
Return to Play Form
Hockey Canada Concussion Toolbox
Hockey Canada Apps for Mobile Devices:
Hockey Canada has re-launched its concussion awareness app for mobile devices; the app includes a variety of resources and information on concussions, focusing on prevention, respect, rules, symptoms and return-to-play protocol.
Click here for more details and to download the app