Jan 06, 2019 | AEBantam | 701 views
Bulls Win!
The Raldane Welding
Minor Bantam AE Bulls won 3 out of 4 home games over the holidays!
December 29th Bulls:
2 - Wildcats Blue: 3
Goals by Matthew
McLennan, Davin Osmond
Assisted by Keegan
Tugnette, Adam Toop
Goalie: Braeden Reid
December 30th Bulls:
3 - Wildcats white: 2
Goals by Adam Toop,
Nicholas Hibbert, Matthew McLennan
Assisted by John
McKillop, Logan Manlow, Davin Osmond(2)
Spencer Love
January 5th Bulls: 4 - Panthers: 1
Goals by Keegan Tugnette, Brody Beaubien, Adam Toop, Davin Osmond
Assisted by Jay Solomon(2), Keegan Tugnette, Owen Bird
Goalie: Braeden Reid
January 6th Bulls: 3 - Wildcats White: 1
Goals by Keegan Tugnette, Nicholas Hibbert, Adam Toop
Assisted by Braeden Keegan, Matthew McLennan, Davin Osmond, Logan Manlow, Brody Beaubien
Goalie: Spencer Love