Oct 20, 2019 | BantamAA | 227 views
The World Elite
Training Bantam Jr Bulls travelled to Oshawa this weekend for the Oshawa Cup
tournament. After 2 losses Friday the team came back strong on Saturday with 2
wins to make it to the semi-finals. On Sunday the boys played the top seeded
London Mustangs and defeated them after multiple overtime periods. After a hard
fought final the Bulls lost to Sarnia. Congratulations on a great weekend as
tournament finalists!
goals by Reese Nugent (4), Davin Osmond (4), Joey
Coates (3), Owen Maracle, Adam Toop, Brett Bashall
by: Joey Coates (2), Davin Osmond (2), Owen Bird (2), Adam Toop, Geoffrey
Boates, Reese Nugent, Brett Bashall, Nolan Hemming, Owen Foster
Goalies Logan Vale
and Aaron MacMullen stood strong in net all weekend.