Oct 05, 2015 | AEMinAtom | 600 views
The 2015/16 season is underway
The 2015/16 season is underway, with a positive first step.
Double header to start the season against Ajax and Whitby. Off to a slow start
in game one against Ajax, the team found their stride and netted 4 late goals to
pull away in a 7-3 victory. Player of the game went to Sam Brearley.
Game two of the double header featured a match up between a more experienced and bigger in size team. This was the teams first glimps of what it means to have heart, hard work, determination and team work. With the teams top goal scorer sidelined in the first period the team pulled together in his absence and ended the period in a 0-0 tie. Fatigue setting in and a few injuries the jr Bulls looked like on paper it was about over sitting on the cusp of breaking. Instead the team pulled together played their hearts out and battled to a 2-2 draw. Some missed opportunities that could have sealed the W, definetly silenced the home town crowd and what looks like the start of a great rivalry. With the teams eyes wide open able to seethe result of hardwork and team play, it is the opinion of this coach the amount of success this team will achieve is endless given what was demonstrated this past weekend.
Coach Martin