Bulls 2-0 in the series!, News, Bantam AA, U15, 2015-2016, Rep (Belleville Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 31, 2016 | MProulx | 757 views
Bulls 2-0 in the series!
Despite Whitby’s strong efforts the final score of the Game 2 was another lopsided win in Belleville’s favour (8-1).

McLellan opened scoring in the first finally at 9:44, assisted by Tinney and Richards. The Wildcats held the Bulls from scoring any further in the first.

The second however gave insight into how the game was going, with the Bulls picking up a quick goal at 14:34 by Richards, assisted by McLellan and Tinney and then the highlight goal of the night, was McLellan passing back to Bulls defense in Whitby’s end and Williams taking a shot from the point .   Bulls players screening the goalie gave perfect opportunity for Williams to shoot it over the shoulder of the goalie and just under the bar.  Dow tackled Williams in the celebration.

At the end of the second, the score was 4-0, with the fourth goal going to Royce and assisted by McLellan and Tinney.

In the third saw Whitby’s only opportunity for a point, with a 5 on 3 effort.  Numerous penalties put the Bulls at risk of losing their lead, however Rosatte, playing cool headed and with quick paws prevented that from happening.  Queen was sent in cold and also played a tremendous game preventing any further advancement from Whitby.

McLellan picked up another goal, and assisted by Dow at 12:50 in the third.  Richards earned a hat trick picking up 2 more goals and assisted by Mott and Scruby.  Dow earned his second point with a goal, assisted by Conlin.  

Thanks again to Rogers, our AP who has come out for us both of these nights!